Worrawan Jirathanapiwat
Founder & CEO
Language Thai / English
- M.A. in Social Programs Evaluation: Mahidol University, Thailand
- M.A. in International Human Rights Law: University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- M.A. in International Peace Studies: University for Peace, Costa Rica and the Philippines
- B.A. in Social Work: Thammasat University, Thailand
- Qualitative research and evaluation
- Human rights law
- Project management
- Training of trainer
- Social development in ASEAN
Worrawan Jirathanapiwat has experience of working on research projects for many years related to several issues particularly, social and policy improvement. She has been working on social development for vulnerable citizens in ASEAN, training and capacity building activities design and monitoring and evaluation. She was invited for oral presentation on several research topics in several countries. Worrawan spends part of her time to work as Thai-English interpreter and translator for NGOs, INGOs and GOs. Her areas of interest are rights-based approach, human rights mechanism, migration, social welfare management, and monitoring and evaluation. Worrawan is the founder of FN Educon – the consulting company working on social issues and development.

Work values
Be honest, transparent, and confident
Personal Principles
No pain, No gain
Playing with cats
Way to gain new knowledge
Attending courses
Catch word
Learning by doing